The sparkle in the blue goldstone chips caught Holly's eye such that she decided to make a necklace with them. She carefully selected just the right sort of glass beads, including those with inside colour to go with them. Repeating the pattern right around was an easy design decision!

Blue goldstone and its more well known copper-toned goldstone are simulated material like hematite/hemalyke (see earlier post). The sparkles you see are copper precipitates. Goldstone was most likely created by 17th century Venetians. However, other stories claim that it was a monk's accidental dropping of copper shavings in a vat of molten tinted glass that resulted in the embedded shavings shimmering like gold once the material cooled. Hence its alternative names, "monk's gold" or "monkstone". The monks were so pleased that they went off and invented brandy!
