All the posts are original. Any opinions expressed are solely mine and are not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. I do not accept paid reviews.
This blog is supported by banner, button and affiliate links to help defray production costs and ensure the site continues to grow and remain free for all to read. Affiliate links also help readers source products they might be interested in.
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates, Fire Mountain Gems, Etsy, Craftsy and other small business affiliate advertising programs which are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking. Each affiliate link brings in a small commission on any purchase made through my blog.
I was or am a Design Ambassador or on the Blogging Design Teams of several companies such as Art Beads, Prima Beads, Goody Beads, Ecuadorian Hands, Endless Leather and so on. I also accept review samples from these companies which are then used for designs in showcase giveaway posts and occasionally the writing of free tutorials. Completed pieces have been sold on my Etsy where 100% of the net proceeds go to cancer research or to an elephant charity to help stop poaching of these magnificent creatures.
I only accept products for review if they are potentially useful for readers.
I believe books are a tremendous source of knowledge and inspiration. I do accept books for review - I can't write about a book unless I can see it!
All the posts are original. Any opinions expressed are solely mine and are not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. I do not accept paid reviews.
This blog is supported by banner, button and affiliate links to help defray production costs and ensure the site continues to grow and remain free for all to read. Affiliate links also help readers source products they might be interested in.
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates, Fire Mountain Gems, Etsy, Craftsy and other small business affiliate advertising programs which are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking. Each affiliate link brings in a small commission on any purchase made through my blog.
I was or am a Design Ambassador or on the Blogging Design Teams of several companies such as Art Beads, Prima Beads, Goody Beads, Ecuadorian Hands, Endless Leather and so on. I also accept review samples from these companies which are then used for designs in showcase giveaway posts and occasionally the writing of free tutorials. Completed pieces have been sold on my Etsy where 100% of the net proceeds go to cancer research or to an elephant charity to help stop poaching of these magnificent creatures.
I only accept products for review if they are potentially useful for readers.
I believe books are a tremendous source of knowledge and inspiration. I do accept books for review - I can't write about a book unless I can see it!