This design combine two types of gemstones and pink fibre optic cat's eye beads. She used two sizes of round hematite beads. The chunky two-holed gemstone in the middle are rose quartz beads. The half a disc shapes of the rose quartz not clear from the photo.
The threads were knotted and glued around a seed bead and hidden in the sterling silver clamshells. It really didn't matter what colour the Fireline thread was in this case but if you do mind the dark grey colour, Fireline now has the crystal/clear version. I just picked up some 8lb type from the fishing department of my local Walmart - all 114 metres worth for just over $20!
Beader Design #:286
The Beading Gem's Journal
Excellently written article, if only all blogger offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Thank you for posting.