Marilyn attended her very first beading party and got hooked immediately. It's not hard to see why when she put together this pretty garden inspired jewelry set. Both her necklace and earrings featured floral lampwork beads. So she teamed those with mainly long cigar shaped pink and green beads sprinkled with corrugated silver beads. The plain beads were not similar as the pink ones were textured.

Best of all is the lone focal silver foil bead Marilyn used for her necklace. It is a pink glass bead which has had silver foiling done inside. If you don't have any foil beads, I recommend them for your collection. These are reminiscent of gorgeous (and expensive) Murano foil beads from Italy which are guaranteed to add a touch of class to your creations.
Beader Design #: 384
The Beading Gem's Journal

Best of all is the lone focal silver foil bead Marilyn used for her necklace. It is a pink glass bead which has had silver foiling done inside. If you don't have any foil beads, I recommend them for your collection. These are reminiscent of gorgeous (and expensive) Murano foil beads from Italy which are guaranteed to add a touch of class to your creations.

The Beading Gem's Journal
I always do love pink and green together. Really sweet!