Teleflora's come up with a great way to sell their flowers for Valentine's Day - the biggest day for florists everywhere. Buy a bouquet for your sweetie and maybe she could win some ruby jewelry too! The competition is called Telefora's Rubies and Roses Sweepstakes. It is open until February 27 and is applicable to US and Canadian residents. You can see the full rules here.

The grand prize is a $60,000 ruby and diamond necklace. 100 first prize winners will receive a $600 14K gold ruby and diamond heart-shaped pendant. 1,000 second prize winners will bag the $150 heart shaped ruby pendant - this one is a "created" or simulated ruby.

Not sure if your guy knows which bouquet you like? Check out Teleflora's The Gentleman's Guide to Valentine's Day where he can get help matching the right bouquet to suit your personality. A no-lose category has to be the Girl Who Has Everything where they add "The looks. The intellect. The wit. The charm. She’s got it all. This February 14th select an opulent bouquet and remind her that she also has – drum roll, please – you!

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