It is absolutely true, at the molecular level, no two snowflakes are identical.  Snowflakes of the beaded varieties are no less boundless in their creative styles! Here are more snowflake tutorials featuring Superduo beads which have 2 holes.  The first tutorial uses both Superduo and Farfalle beads. It is by Ukranian beader Lena who writes the Otvettyt blog. She also includes some bicones and seed beads in her beautiful pendant design.

The tutorial is in Ukranian. You could use Google Translate but the pictures are quite clear enough to follow without having to do that.

This pretty beaded snowflake tutorial features superduos too. It is from a Czech site, Top-Koralky. It is also not in English but there are accompanying photographs to figure things out if you are not inclined to get the page translated. This design is clearly scaled small enough for earrings. Using Swarovski crystals simply makes them even more elegant.

Need some inspiration to come up with designs of your own?  Check out the absolutely beautiful snowflake pictures taken by Alexey Kljatov, a Russian photographer.

How snowflakes form is dependent on temperature and humidity. Simpler shapes tend to occur at low humidity while more complex shapes happen in humid conditions. Studies have shown there are a staggering 121 categories (so far) of shapes!  This wonderful infographic by Andy Brunning, a UK Chemistry teacher, shows some of them.  (click on the image to see a larger version)

Watch this short and fascinating PBS video , The Science of Snow(flakes).

Does this mean you will appreciate winter more? Ha.

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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