Many thanks for all your kind comments about my designs for last week's Ecuadorian Hands' giveaway for $60 worth of tagua nut beads. They are awesome to work with! But they also serve to bring awareness to the terrible plight of the wild elephants and rhinos as these natural nuts look like ivory but are actually derived from a type of palm.
The rate of poaching has been accelerating at an alarming rate. We may lose these creatures in 10 years. The current Indiegogo campaign to raise money to supply African park rangers with air survelliance drones mentions that female African elephants have tusks and are thus targeted. I would add they make easy prey because they cannot easily run away if they have babies. And the babies? They die if their mothers do. So please support this campaign which ends in less than 2 weeks!
Making and wearing tagua nut jewelry will raise awareness because they are great conversation starters and people can be educated about these creatures.
One lucky winner can start doing so soon! I numbered all the eligible entries and consulted the random number generator over at The winning number was the one assigned to Angi Mullis! Congratulations!
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips
The rate of poaching has been accelerating at an alarming rate. We may lose these creatures in 10 years. The current Indiegogo campaign to raise money to supply African park rangers with air survelliance drones mentions that female African elephants have tusks and are thus targeted. I would add they make easy prey because they cannot easily run away if they have babies. And the babies? They die if their mothers do. So please support this campaign which ends in less than 2 weeks!
Making and wearing tagua nut jewelry will raise awareness because they are great conversation starters and people can be educated about these creatures.
One lucky winner can start doing so soon! I numbered all the eligible entries and consulted the random number generator over at The winning number was the one assigned to Angi Mullis! Congratulations!
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips
What a lucky gal!!