Susan realises how much a beadaholic she has become because she now notices jewelry on an actor. Not only that, she also fervently hopes the director would do a close-up so she can have better look at the design! But the Scottish hunk (who played an Irishman) also caught her eye! As did the lush Irish scenery shown on the movie.
As Valentine's Day is coming up, Susan's design with lamp work beads and double hearts - a metal bead as well as the heart shaped clasp is perfect to remind us of someone we love and perhaps to design for. The next few days will see more heart inspired designs.
Ever wonder what women really, really want for Valentine's Day? My past post reveals what should not come as a surprise - it is indeed jewelry. Before you click on the link, have a guess on which nation tops the international survey (14 nations) for the most romantic men?
Beader Design#: 264
The Beading Gem's Journal

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