What I did for my summer holiday
Part 1 of 3

We had a great time visiting friends and family in England last month. One highlight of the trip was a visit to cousin Barbara in London.

She is a dollhouse designer and interior decorator who does amazing work. I remember staring at her tiny 1/12 scale slice of kiwi fruit made with Fimo clay and marveled at her skill in making it so tiny and yet look realistic.

She definitely has a creative eye as she uses rather familiar items to make some of her dollhouse accessories! If you know little girls or even not so little girls who have doll houses, you could make them some little gifts from your stash.

As you can see from the photos, in Barbara's hands, beads, crystals and metal rondelles, even bails become exquisite perfume bottles sometimes complete with trays. The trays are pendant findings.

The picture below left shows a goblet on the left made by gluing two bead caps together. The filigree "cake stand" as well as the vase at the back should remind you of certain items too! Note the globe lamp at the back. See the cube beads topped with clear beads in the picture on the bottom right? These are miniature liquor decanters in equally tiny wooden tantalas. Tantalas are old fashioned, now antique, lockable liquor holders to stop the servants from imbibing!

Barbara also had a wonderful collection of cloisonne beads some of which she will turn into luxury dollhouse vases. She now wants me to teach her how to make jewelry since she has a lot of supplies already on hand. It's a promise, Barbara!
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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