You don't have to be a wire virtuoso to put a little wire twisting into your jewelry designs. Deb actually practiced a little wire scrolling with some copper wire first. But she decided to just do something funky with her final earring design (above left) by slightly uncoiling the scroll and pulling it out. She also kinked some wire at the in front of the diagonally drilled beads. Together with the black crackle beads and the banded lamp work beads, she's made her earrings funky and oh so art deco-ish in some ways.
Margot's design on the right used triangular mother of pearl beads on their sides for a simple look. The earrings look a touch more interesting by playing around with the uncut end of the wire wrapped loops.
Beader Designs #: 536-537
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The Beading Gem's Journal
real pretty copper,together we can all make copper 2210 top trend, maybe we can work on large sophisticated pieces.Thank you Beading Gem for your kind compliments on my copper obbsession.
Great samples of wire wrapping that we all can do...some of it is so detailed I wouldn't know where to begin!!!