Speaking of opportunists, I am one too but not for the beads, lovely though they are. These giveaways give me the opportunity to "meet" the readers who chose to delurk and comment.
One new reader and beader who accidentally stumbled on my blog is Nannie. She wrote about how she hopes beading therapy will help her bring focus in her life as she struggles with a terrible and mysterious neurological condition called narcolepsy. Narcoleptics suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness but what wrecks their lives is the sudden loss of muscle tone or unexpected sleep paralysis - in severe cases, they collapse or fall asleep at inappropriate times. They have zero quality of life. The fact that the awareness ribbon color for this disease is black says it all.
Well Nannie, I hope you will enjoy learning about and making jewelry. Many thanks to all those of you who participated and/or checked out Patricia's shop. I wish a warm welcome to readers and subscribers who have recently joined me on my journey exploring the many "facets" of jewelry and jewelry making.
The lucky winner of this giveaway is Suebeads who was the 33rd commenter - the number random.org generated. Please email me asap beadinggem [at] yahoo [dot] ca to claim your prize.
Didn't win? Look out for the next contest! I highly recommend subscribing either by email or feeds so you never miss a post. Find out more about subscribing here.
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The Beading Gem's Journal
I sent you an email, but thank you! I am so thrilled. I'd be glad to do a giveaway on your blog as well! What beautiful beads!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Sue! I would love to see your beads in a future giveaway. You make really lovely ones BTW.
ReplyDeletefirst,i want to thank you for your kind words.you just have no idea what they meant to me.as, i read them,i cried.then my daughter read them,she smiled.at first,it puzzled me,so i asked what the smile was for?my daughter just stared at me for a minute or two,then she said"i think it's great mom,your story deserves to be told.if people knew the real truth of all the damage,it does to one's life,just maybe there won't be another one who goes through all the "bs",you have and still are.she made us copies,one for her co-workers to read,one for me to take to the conference,and the last to go into my journal.i truly wish,that i could make you understand just what your words meant to me,i cried as i read them."and, i want you to know i agree with you about the color of our ribbon[black],afterall, i live alot of my life in darkness,or in a haze....god bless.you have earned your angel wings,already.thank you again,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I can comment again! Haven't been here for a while, cause your site always stops while loading. :-(
ReplyDeleteThose beads are absolutely stunning! WOW!
Glad you like my new blog template. Thought it would be a good match.
Beautiful beads! Congrats SueBeads!
ReplyDeleteCurious tho, Nannie you don't have a blog, how did you and Pearl come to share your story?
Whoops! Nannie I went back to the post where Pearl was showing the beads for her give-away. That's where your information is. Have you thought of blogging? It's something that could be helpful to other people I imagine. And bringing those things to light - bring awareness which is always good.
ReplyDeleteNot everybody feels blogging is for them, but you can do anything you want with it really. Anyway, just a suggestion!
I also followed up via email with Nannie/Barbara after I saw her initial comment. Her story deserved to be told.
ReplyDeleteI must apologise for the problem on my blog which lasted for a week, Kokopelli. It badly affected just people on Windows XP and Internet Explorer 7. One reader wrote to tell me about it and I fixed it. I look forward to more comments from you and others!
BTW For another post on inspiring beaders who are overcoming the odds stacked against them, please read this past post -
this is in response to BettyJo, no i do not have a blog.i am not sure how to go about starting one. how i came to share my story with Pearl,was totally accidental,i was bead searching and came acroos her site,so i posted to try to win,but, i also told her about why i began beading.i'm still learning alot. i hope to learn how to make my own someday,i have all these visions of beads in my head. you are right it might do alot of people if i started a blog,i'll have to ask my daughter to show me,how to about it...being a retired nurse,makes my disease even harder for me,because i can no longer allowed to work. you see,instead of neutralizing my license,i retired it.i felt that the urge to go back would out weigh the fact that i could hurt someone if i was still nursing,due to a part of narcolepsy that comes with it."it's calle "automatic behavior",it's where you have done something for such a long time you can do it when your brain shuts down.i was good at what i did,and i knew i would not be able to live with the fact that i had hurt someone..i have been sick almost 10 yrs.,and the worst of all of it,is that i have never met another person like me...i just got notice that i finally won,after 10yrs., my disability...so, this october i am going to the annual narcolepsy network conference.it's in florida this year.i'm really excited because i won't feel like a lepar, for 3 days of my life...i will look into the blogging,BettyJo because you're right it will help make people aware,but it might also help another soul like me. thanks, nannie
ReplyDeletethis is in response to BettyJo, no i do not have a blog.i am not sure how to go about starting one. how i came to share my story with Pearl,was totally accidental,i was bead searching and came acroos her site,so i posted to try to win,but, i also told her about why i began beading.i'm still learning alot. i hope to learn how to make my own someday,i have all these visions of beads in my head. you are right it might do alot of people if i started a blog,i'll have to ask my daughter to show me,how to about it...being a retired nurse,makes my disease even harder for me,because i can no longer allowed to work. you see,instead of neutralizing my license,i retired it.i felt that the urge to go back would out weigh the fact that i could hurt someone if i was still nursing,due to a part of narcolepsy that comes with it."it's calle "automatic behavior",it's where you have done something for such a long time you can do it when your brain shuts down.i was good at what i did,and i knew i would not be able to live with the fact that i had hurt someone..i have been sick almost 10 yrs.,and the worst of all of it,is that i have never met another person like me...i just got notice that i finally won,after 10yrs., my disability...so, this october i am going to the annual narcolepsy network conference.it's in florida this year.i'm really excited because i won't feel like a lepar, for 3 days of my life...i will look into the blogging,BettyJo because you're right it will help make people aware,but it might also help another soul like me. thanks, nannie
ReplyDeleteWonderful beads...congratulations to SueBeads...
ReplyDeletePearl...I loved the uniqueness of the beads given away that I checked out Patricia's Etsy shop and had her do a custom order for me...her beads are so different! Can't wait to receive them...thanks for passing her work along!!
To Nannie/Barbara...it must be difficult for you to live you life this way...all the best to you!!!!!! Enjoy your time at your conference in October...maybe then you will understand you are not a leper but someone with a disability/disease!
azure island designs,
ReplyDeletethank you for your comment. please don't misunderstand me,i realize that i have an incurable disease
and that i did nothing to cause it.but,when you were a nurse as i was,it's just very frustrating to know what happens to one when they are put in the system...at times, i am ashamed of the way we treat our own people in this country.i worked from 16 to 42,yet it took me 10 yrs. to finally get my disability..i lost everything
friends,family,career,myhome,i was financially destroyed[hect,i've been sued over $20]but,the worst of it all was watching my children suffer..you see there are all kinds of programs for the disable but,before they will help you,you must be on disability..
...my brother tells me,i am our father's daughter,my doctor calls me a champion,because i don't know how to quit....i refuse to quit.my oldest son had a tattoo put on his arm,of a beautiful long stemmed rose,[purple],on the stem he had them put thorns[from small to large],when he is asked about it, he says that it shows my life and all the struggling and fighting i had to do to survive...i know that i will never go back to the way it was,but i also know that just existing isn't enough for this girl...thanks,nannie/barbara