Baby Inspirations
Part 1 of 2
I have never been a fan of jewelry for young children and I dare say many of you agree with me. Some time ago, I came across a wonderful collection called Chewable Jewelry created by a dentist. Here is another idea from Clare who writes the Green Valley Crafts blog.

This young New Zealand mother created some small flat fabric balls with velcro on each side. The balls can be linked together or pulled apart. It's a great toy and a fun way to promote hand coordination in babies and toddlers. Make them smaller but not small enough to be choking hazards and they could be beginner bracelets and necklaces! (Yes, start them young!) Totally washable, too.

I think these make super baby shower gifts - a great way to whittle down that fabric stash if you have one.  You'll be making more room for beads!!   Via

For tutorials check out my Jewelry Making Tips

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