Betsy sure is an inspiration. Many of you who left comments for the Red Panda Beads Giveaway were awed by her commitment to good customer service, her wonderful workspace and most of all, as an artisan who successfully quit her day job!

Jems of Joy summed it up well, "This kind of story behind a business is what makes a business special. I often wished I knew the story behind a business I felt was out of the ordinary, and Pearl, you have done an amazing job at presenting Red Panda Beads. I love all of it and particularly the photo of her office with all the thin dream..."

Thanks Jems of Joy, Tamara (Frejya's Jewels) and Lori Schneider for such ringing endorsements of my blog. But I cannot claim all the credit because Betsy made it easy by sharing so much of the information. She has a great blog where she writes about many inspirational designs (two are shown here) and she is incredibly active on Facebook. It's clear she takes good customer service very seriously. I know because I bought some beads too from her.

It's clear to many of you  Betsy is doing what she truly loves. Charmed Styles said, "... it's not about how much $$ we make (though $$$$$ is NICEEEEE) it's about sharing our craft, our joy, our love, and our passion. Most importantly making someone else smile!"  Hear, hear!

Some of the commentators mentioned they are new to bead work. Even if you didn't win, there are some great tutorials to get you started on beading.
So who won? After tallying up and accounting for extra entries, generated number 2! That makes Sally of  JTM Designs the winner!  Congratulations!  I will be sending your email to Betsy who will provide instructions on claiming the prize!

For more tutorials check out my Jewelry Making Tips

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