Although the Japanese style chain maille weaves are easier to learn, the Byzantine one is also suitable for beginners. Debbie M (not my co-instructor) is an experienced beader who had never done chain maille before.

She was a quick learner and made this bracelet well within the time allotted for a workshop using 18G 5/32" bright aluminum rings.  Debbie was able to work with both tools in her hands AND not put the work down!

The Byzantine was the first weave I learned. I really love the result because it looks intricate to the uninitiated but is far from difficult to do.  I also love the repetitive motion of chain maille because it is soothing to do. It is the same reason why some people like to knit.  I made this colored Byzantine necklace with a focal to match a new green top I got! Right on schedule for St Patrick's Day!

Beader Design #: 647

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