Sarah, the artisan behind Artizen Metal on Artfire is a highly creative individual. She is constantly exploring different themes. Shown here is my favorite of her past collections, Tales from Microbia.  

The designs were inspired by Ernst Haeckel's (1834-1919)  lithographs of cells and radiolarians which are beautiful single cell organisms.

This German biologist produced some of the most amazing illustrations of the natural world in his 1904 book, Kunstformen der Natur (German for Art Forms of Nature). Shown below are a couple of his exquisitely detailed drawings. For more pictures see  here.

Polycytarria (type of radiolarian) by Ernst Haeckel

Siphonophorae (marine invertebrates) by Ernst Haeckel
Sarah created this limited edition - one of her favorites - back in 2009. Although it is sold out, she does indeed take custom orders!  You can also check out her current collection which is entitled Chakra Petals in her store.


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