linked chain, snake, ball styles
Reader Question
Marsha : Pearl,  I have a question for you.  I have problems finding quality chain for the silverware pendants that I make. 

I have been buying silver chains on a spool or card from places like Blue Moon or Fire Mountain and the small links come apart.  I don't want my chains to break, that makes me look bad even though I didn't make the chain.  People want the smaller links too, not the larger ones.  

Do you have any suggestions? I don't know if I should be buying from a certain place at higher price??  I am really confused about this  Does anyone else have this problem?  

I agree with Marsha. Quality is certainly an issue but there are also limitations to fine chains. The wire gauge used has to be fine and therefore won't be as strong.  Consider slightly bigger links which use thicker wire.

My solution to this perennial problem though is to offer other chain alternatives which still look dainty but are more robust.  The snake chain as well as the ball chain shown above are my two favorites.  If you're up to the work, try making viking knit necklaces with 28-30G wire (see link below).

What's your solution?

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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