Many of you might remember my last major sale in exchange for late shipping. This was to avoid having to shut down my Etsy stores, for supplies (beadinggem) and finished crafts (CraftaGems), while I am on a longer (more than a few days) vacation. 

As I explained before, this method means my shops' traffic does not get hit by Etsy's algorithm as my shops will continue to actively invite views and sales. It takes a while for traffic to recover when shops reopen after "on vacation" periods.

My prices are always modest.  I am earnestly putting everything, including the digital products on sale for 15% for the next two weeks! The earliest delivery after today is Monday, February 10

My supplies are quite varied - a lot are products I bought while I was actively teaching but no longer need.  Some of the newer ones are my laser cut pieces.  I also confess to wanting to start different projects but had to admit defeat with the lack of time. You know how it is! For example, the purse clasps and straps I bought in different colours and listed a short time ago, have quickly gone except for one :

I do have some TierraCast items up for sale with many more to come in the future. Tierracast unfortunately shuttered its business which is a shame because it was one of the very few North American manufacturers for high quality findings. 

On the finished jewelry side, I have started to dabble in faux and real leather earrings such as these :

Happy browsing! My blog will continue to publish on schedule.

Before You Go :

jewelry making supplies


This blog may contain affiliate links. I do receive a small fee for any products purchased through affiliate links. This goes towards the support of this blog and to provide resource information to readers. The opinions expressed are solely my own. They would be the same whether or not I receive any compensation. 
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM