Buttons were first used as ornaments as long ago as circa 2800 BC in India and were also used by the Ancient Chinese and the Romans. Buttons did not become fasteners with buttonholes until the 13th century in Germany. We've come full circle now as buttons are wonderful accent pieces in jewelry. There are so many gorgeous types to choose from and many ways to incorporate them into jewelry. So here are a few examples to get your creative juices going.

Millie of the Bead Sisterhood made this lovely chain maille bracelet linking in the antique- look two-hole buttons with jump rings.

Craftlog has a great tutorial layering mother of pearl shell buttons using embroidery thread to build up the graduated design. Lengths of chain were attached on either side of this fantastic focal piece.

Another way to attach the buttons is with wire. Bayou Bags's easy brooch tutorial shows you how to wire the buttons to the pin finding. It's really easy even if you're not into wire work.

If you are indeed inspired, then check out Sara Withers' book : Button Jewelry: Over 25 Original Designs for Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets and More. To save you a trip to your local library, check out Google Books' Review of her book for some fabulous pictures.

Beader Design # : 423
For more tutorials check out my Jewelry Making Tips

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