I love to read and often borrow books from the library. If you are like me, you probably go through a lot of book marks. Not just proper ones but any scrap of paper handy like empty used envelopes. I'm sure some of those scraps went back to the library! I never gave those scraps a thought until I came across Forgotten Bookmarks, a blog written by someone who works in a used and rare bookstore and who collects the "personal, funny, heartbreaking and weird things" found in purchased books.

There was one post entitled "David"which involved jewelry, often a token of love. However, the forgotten bookmark found in a book was a gently crafted Dear John letter on a personalized card explaining the return of a beautiful family necklace. It read :

Dearest David,

I am returning the beautiful necklace you gave me - not as a gesture of finality of our friendship, but because it is a special token in your family and I could not in good conscience keep it. I hope you understand that I do and will care deeply for you and that I have every bit of confidence in the beauty of your unique David-ness. I am just selfishly at a point in my life at which I can not make the sacrifices and take the risks that are necessary to make any relationship that we would have work. We are both at such profound transition points in our lives, and our situations are too unstable to offer the foundation necessary upon which to build the tremendous life changes that we idealistically believed possible. I want to know and believe, as I think you do, that I will always be a loving and caring friend and confidante to you - I know you would reciprocate that. Thank you for remaining the David I will always adore! Your strength and beauty will perpetually preserve that.

Much love

Most poignantly, it was found in the book The Remains of the Dayby Kazuo Ishiguro, a well written story of an English butler so duty driven, he was blind to many people and situations around him and lost his one chance to love and be loved in return. Via

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