Did you go to the beach over the summer? Collected shells? Then use them to make this awesome sea shell bib necklace tutorial by Erica Domesek over at PS I Made This.

It requires spraying with Krylon metallic paint.  Doesn't the use of tulle add elegance to the design especially with the gold painted shells?

Rather than cover up the shells with paint, another alternative is to take off the grungy outer layer and then polish up the shell with beeswax to reveal lovely colors. The Crafts Channel's video tutorial uses a Dremel tool to do all the work including drilling the holes.

Heed the instructor's warning to wear a dust mask when working with sea shells this way.You shouldn't be breathing in that stuff.  Some people drill holes with the shell underwater which not only keeps the drill bit cool but controls the dust too.

But you may not need to do anything to the shells you pick except drill holes in them.  One splendid example is the clever knotted seashell necklace tutorial by Nik Schulz who made it for Brookelynn Morris over at Craftzine. I love the informal look!

More Seaside Inspirations :
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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