One reason why I love jewelry designs which feature botanical elements is the fact that they do not wilt! What better way to give a bouquet than one which will last indefinitely. Perfect Mother's Day gift!
This charming wire woven leaf and flower design by Erika Schneider over on the Hungarian craft blog, I am Creative, fits the brief! There is plenty of opportunity to add more flowers and perhaps your own take on the vine tendrils.
It is not clearly written but the two wire gauges used are 18 G and 26 G. The tutorial is not in English. So either use Google Translate or follow my favorite method. For computer users, use the Chrome browser, you will be asked if you want a translation or right click on any white space and select translate to English. For mobile device users, use the Chrome app (free) and agree to the translation when asked.
Check out the first two tutorials below which show my Vase of Flowers designs.
Before You Go :
- How to Make a Wire Vase of Flowers Pendant Tutorial
- How to Patina and Protect a Wire Wrapped Copper Pendant
- 3 Beaded Basket Jewelry and Ornament Tutorials for Mother's Day
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Wire JewelryTips -Jewelry Business Tips
I love it! It's totally doable if you have basic wire weaving knowledge!