Huong Handmade is a Vietnamese beader with some pretty beaded jewelry ideas. I like her beaded tornado earrings tutorial.
It is an attractive design making clever use of two different sizes of rondelles and see beads. She actually starts with a circle of beads and stitching beads on the outside. She then fills in the open interior with beads following the spiraling pattern.
I could see this design as a simple but pretty pendant too. And in a variety of color schemes.
Before You Go:
- Pinwheel Inspired Beaded Jewelry Tutorials
- Cellini Spiral Beaded Jewelry Tutorials
- Learn How to Make Dutch Spiral Beaded Ropes!
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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I love these Tornado earrings! Will give them a try when I get caught up on a few other beading projects first! :)