A reader asked me sometime ago for more macrame jewelry tutorials. So here goes! This gorgeous Gothic inspired beaded macrame bracelet tutorial byMacrame School is a noteworthy and versatile design. The delicate design uses 0.5 mm waxed polyester thread.
You can certainly use whatever color combination you like. Better still, you can shorten the design for earrings or keychains.
I highly recommend the Macrame School's Youtube channel for all things macrame - not just jewelry!
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
oh my goodness! just what i need, step-by-step visuals. beautiful work, a very modern take on an oldy-but-goody technique. thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI tried the Micro Macrame and am almost bald from tearing my hair out - swearing I would never try it again. HOWEVER, after watching this, I realized it wasn't the macrame that was the culprit but trying to get those tiny beads threaded on the cord. It would take me sometimes 10 minutes to get them on the thread. I used to love macrame and hopefully I can get back to doing it. Thanks for highlighting this video.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried using collapsible needles to help you thread the beads? I actually find the dental floss threaders to work well too!