Some of the most fun jewelry to wear for the holiday season has got to be earrings. They are relatively easy and enjoyable to make. So here are ten great suggestions if you need some gift ideas. Bonus if you already have the colors in your stash.

First up is Kim Graham of MyHeartoftheHills' wonderful Christmas gnome earrings, shown above, for 2 drop brick stitch. 
Kim also created this long and slender beaded earrings with two designs for Christmas trees and snowmen. 

 Christmas trees and snowmen. 

Andrew/Ekaterina of BeadingPatterns4Fun has this slightly fringy beaded cute Christmas gnome pattern

Andrew/Ekaterina also came up with this long fringe beaded poinsettia earrings pattern

Ukrainian bead artist, Galyna, of GaligaPatterns has a really pretty beaded winter landscape teardrop tutorial. Quite an achievement to be able to add several trees, snowflakes and a little house in the scene!

Ekaterina, also from the Ukraine, has this beaded Santa earrings where the fringe is his beard.  Her shop is HandMadeinUa

Italian designer, Albina of BeadArtPatterns has this comic reindeer beaded earrings tutorial. Rudolph popping in to say hi!
Helen in the Ukraine has this snowman pattern for fans of fringe earrings. Her shop is HelenBeadPatterns

This unusual and beautiful fringe earrings design features a Christmas themed bullfinch. The Ukrainian designer is Okasana of JewelryMagicHands

Also by Oksana is this earrings design of an adorable black cat having a go at the Christmas tree baubles

Before You Go:

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM