Need something quick to do for Christmas?  Here are some nifty beadwork tutorials to tempt you!  The above are adorable miniature beaded sweaters. The designer is Katie Dean of Beadflowers. Here is her original and popular miniature sweater tutorial.  She also has amazing and more challenging beadwork ornament designs. 

Use them as ornaments or pendants.  They can be customized for different seasons or even something like initials if you can tinker with beading charts. 

I also like this Christmas pine branch pendant tutorial which can easily be used as decorative ornaments elsewhere.  The designer is Assza of AsszaBeading Arts - another stellar designer whose work I have featured before

This pinwheel beaded ornament tutorial uses Superduos. You can certainly change up the color scheme to suit. The designer is Maria of TheBeadClubLounge who hails from Barbados!

This St Petersburg stitch beaded wreath tutorial is also by Maria. 

These easy beaded snowflakes will be super quick to make!  The tutorial set is by Anna Masalska of BeadedFlowersDesign. Anna creates some lovely French beaded designs. 

Before You Go:

 This blog may contain affiliate links. I do receive a small fee for any products purchased through affiliate links. This goes towards the support of this blog and to provide resource information to readers. The opinions expressed are solely my own. They would be the same whether or not I receive any compensation. 
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM