Learning how to knot is a very useful skill, not just in for everyday life but also in jewelry making. Jewelry makers have adapted knots from the fishing community, outdoors enthusiasts, ancient decorative styles into designs. So whenever I encounter knotting applications, I wonder if they can be applied to jewelry making.

@ParacordPlanet shows how he applies different knots to shorten and style hoodie strings. Long hoodie strings can be annoying although my cats would disagree. Losing the string into the inside of the hoodie is also a common occurrence. So watch his excellent tutorials as he demonstrates how to solve both problems and bring a little individual style into this casual wear. 

Also see this past post on 3 Useful Sliding Knots for Drawstring Pants.

His first 5 Hoodie Knots : 

His second 5 knotting styles

Before You Go :

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM