Who knew cereal boxes could be recycled into awesome science and nature inspired earrings?  The awesome designs shown here are by Mary and Kevin Abbott of JabeboStudio. They are meant to spark curiosity and appreciation of nature.  Their custom made earring backs (see last image below) give their design a signature look!

The cereal box front and backs are laminated together. Their design images are then fixed to the front and then laser cut into earrings.  The cereal boxes are sourced from their local community in Pennsylvania - people even drop off the boxes at their studio!

They explained :
We made the first pair of earrings 20 years ago. In the years since this project evolved from a hobby to a cottage industry and then into a full time business. We both left our day jobs for our business. We were working as teachers in Kenya when we meet back in 1993. Mary specializes in music education and Kevin's background is wildlife biology.

Today, the Abbotts sell to over 200 museums and nature centres around North America.

Shown here are some of my favorites!  There are so many designs to choose from their extensive catalogue. Not surprisingly, some people like to collect different designs. 

Before You Go:

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM