Is it getting very hot where you are? Want to stay UV safe? You could use UV sensitive beads in your jewelry designs. These beads turn color when exposed to strong sunlight reminding the wearer to either get out of the sun or apply sunscreen.
However, The UV Sunsense bracelet works differently. It helps you remember to reapply sunscreen! Neat!
What you have to do is put sunscreen not only on yourself (or your kids) but also on the bracelet itself. When it is first exposed to sunlight, it turns purple indicating it has been activated. When the bracelet turns pink, it's time to reapply. When it turns yellow, this is your cue to get out of the sun or cover up because you've been out long enough!
They are for single use only. You can buy them at local retailers like PriceChopper, Costco, Walgreens and Kmart. Amazon sells the UVSunSense UV Monitoring Wristbands as a 7 Pack
for $6.99.
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips
However, The UV Sunsense bracelet works differently. It helps you remember to reapply sunscreen! Neat!
What you have to do is put sunscreen not only on yourself (or your kids) but also on the bracelet itself. When it is first exposed to sunlight, it turns purple indicating it has been activated. When the bracelet turns pink, it's time to reapply. When it turns yellow, this is your cue to get out of the sun or cover up because you've been out long enough!
They are for single use only. You can buy them at local retailers like PriceChopper, Costco, Walgreens and Kmart. Amazon sells the UVSunSense UV Monitoring Wristbands as a 7 Pack
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips
That is good idea:)
This is a great idea...the trick is to remember to bring it to the beach!!! :0)