Steampunk has certainly not lost its steam although old watch parts must be harder to come by these days. One outstanding artisan is the highly popular London Particulars on Etsy.

London Particulars may be based in Seattle but the "Neo-Victorian" designs are the sort you can easily imagine seeing if you were browsing in a shop where the equally imaginary Sherlock Holmes likes to browse!

The designs make use of not only vintage watch movements but often crystals for accented color. The result is a steampunk style with a nod to modern tastes.

Also different is the use of filigree and other findings such as scarab beetle pendants with the watch parts, shown below.

The steampunk rings and tie tacks will definitely appeal to steampunk fans of both sexes! All the designs are gorgeous! They also make me want to go find a copy of a Jules Verne book to read!

Hat tip to reader Anna from the A Beader's Blog for this discovery.

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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