Making lamp work glass making requires a lot of practice and an affinity to working with a torch and manipulating molten glass. Heather Behrendt Glass  show cases the amazing glass focals and beads by this Rochester, New York artist.  Especially noteworthy are her cat inspired designs. She explains, "All designs are drawn freehand in the flame using hairthin pieces of glass called stringer."

She didn't plan on going into lamp work glass making. Heather said, "In high school I took an art workshop class for a semester. One day the instructor pulled out a hot head torch and a few glass rods and did a quick demo for a colorful fish bead. All I could think was, "no way I'm getting anywhere near that torch."

It took a few years before she actually bought a hot head torch and tried it -  rather unsafely in an apartment.  She put it aside for another few years until she could have a proper glass studio in a house.  She added, "It's been a long journey, but I'm finally working the glass full time with a part time job on the side ;)"

It takes dedication and the results are marvelous.   You can see a bit more of her work on her blog.

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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