Ah, the serial crafters came out of the wood work for last week's wonderful giveaway from Nunn Design. Sneaky Burrito admitted, "This is something I've been wanting to try for awhile. I have an excess of cross stitch fabric and embroidery floss and could actually manage to complete something that small in a reasonable period of time." I have to agree with her latter statement - making something small is near instant gratification!
Czecher1 chimed in with, "I have a long history of bouncing between different mediums to create things to wear and give away to others. Beading, fibers and painting have all taken their turn. What a wonderful idea to combine them all into one piece to show others."
The ability to do cross over crafts is exactly why the pieces become truly unique! It doesn't have to be YOUR work either. Valb said, "My grandmother was an avid embroidery artist, and I mean ARTIST. I have several pieces that were just everyday items like pillow cases that i have tried to figure out how to use in a different way to preserve her art. This would be an amazing way to showcase, at least small pieces of, her beautiful stitches. She taught me embroidery when I was only 5 or 6 yrs old. Those lessons are my only real one on one memories I have of her. I will get these kits even if I don't win. Love love this idea!"
There can only be one winner. So if you didn't win, check out Nunn Design. Besides their boho jewelry findings, they also offer both wholesale and retail jewelry embroidery kits
I numbered all the eligible entries and got the random number generator over at random.org to do the picking. The lucky winner is Sarah Oswald! Congratulations!
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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