Many of you already know how beautiful vintage silverware can be turned into jewelry. But bending the cut stems of spoons and forks usually involves prior annealing (softening) the metal with a torch.

Now watch TheCrafsMan (SteadyCraftin) make a spoon ring with ease. All he uses is a bolt cutter to cut off the stem, a file and the Pepe ring bender tool.  No torch needed!

It is his review on this tool and he shares a number of tips along the way.

The Crafsman shares his demonstrations in a most friendly manner! He has a calming voice and a delightful accent - although I cannot place it except vaguely in the southern US. Maybe a reader can pinpoint it?

Before You Go:

This blog may contain affiliate links. I do receive a small fee for any products purchased through affiliate links. This goes towards the support of this blog and to provide resource information to readers. The opinions expressed are solely my own. They would be the same whether or not I receive any compensation.
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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