Tiny miniature beaded tea pots and cups are adorable and here are more tutorials to help you make them! You can use them as little pendants or display them in the home or perhaps a dollhouse! Some of the featured designs here are small enough for earrings. 

First up is the beautiful Miyuki beaded teapot and cup (not shown) tutorial  by Diane of DianeFitzgeraldBeads. A headpin inserted from the centre of the bottom and exiting at the top can be wrapped into a bail for a necklace charm.

Also charming is this geometric style tutorial for a full set - teapot, cup, small plate and tray. The designer is Ziva of zivadesigns

I previously featured this elegant set before. The designer is Chika of ChikaBeadwork

This cute teapot tutorial is beaded around a round bead. Definitely small enough to wear as earrings. The designer and Youtube channel is TOMO Handicraft

The accompanying cup tutorial from TOMO Handicraft is here. 

This tutorial for a teapot and cup is worked in brick stitch and thus flat rather than 3D as the other tutorials above. But nonetheless adorable! The instructor and designer is Creative Arts by Fozi. 

Why There are Only Two Names for Tea

People all around the world use one of two names to call this favorite brew of many. The variations of either "tea" or "cha" depends on where you come from. 

Tea was first used as a drink in China thousands of years ago. Oddly, most of China used "cha" but some Chinese communities in southern coastal areas, used "te". So who brought the tea to other parts of world depended on their initial trade contact and method of transportation in China. 

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Many  Asian countries use cha including chai (spiced tea) in India because tea arrived via traders who traveled overland to non-coastal areas of China which used the word, cha. 

The Portuguese were  the first European countries to sail to the East. They brought tea and the word cha to their country. But virtually all the other Western European countries use the world te and its variations because the Dutch East India Company, which came after the Portuguese, bought and traded the drink as te.  

Watch this Name Explain video on The Real Reason Why Tea has Only Two Names.

Before You Go :

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM