You could easily get lost in Linda's shop, BeadsHappen, as I did. Utterly and totally lost as I flitted here, there and everywhere. I drooled over her wonderful collection of unusual and beautiful findings for the diehard jewelry maker. It's the place you want to go to find that certain something to make a design unique. 

This Ohio based supplier specializes in a lot of gorgeous vintage and carefully curated collections of  crystals, findings and beads.  The Swarovski rhinestone bezel above is a beauty, isn't it?

Linda has an excellent eye for design and for quality. She also has great sources for hard to find supplies. The vintage Swarovski squirrel is quite a find. I also loved her collection of 1960's Japanese beads including the peacock pendant featured below. The articulated metal cat pendant in the anime style is definitely unusual. 

She explains how her shop came to being. She was first a jewelry maker, hoping to make teacher gifts while her children were young. You know yourself how it is... the supplies soon ballooned and she moved on to opening her finished jewelry store, ArtHappens.  There, you can see Linda's distinctive style of making jewelry such that each design is an art piece in itself. 

I really loved Linda's description of herself as I can relate as a retired scientist myself:
I am an engineer, a photographer and a jewelry artist. So, depending on the day, my left and right brains are either battling each other, or working harmoniously together.
Despite her finished jewelry store, her jewelry supply stash was still very large. So her son, a business major in college, suggested she open a supply store and with his help, she did!

Vintage Swarovki squirrel charm

Articulated metal cat pendant

Hand painted 1960s Japanese pendant

Purple and gold plastic and resin bead

Vintage 1960s Japanese beads

Vintage brass and faux pearls chain

Before You Go :

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM