Traditional wire cage work captures cabochons while still leaving the beauty of the gemstone mostly visible. Vietnamese wire artist, Lan Anh Handmade, has one which is innovative - she takes it a step above the ordinary approach.
What she does is not only cage the cabochon, but goes on to form a heart-shaped pendant frame. Neat!
She recommends rounds or tear drop shapes. I would also choose smaller sizes.
She is self taught. A crafter since childhood, she stumbled onto wire work back in 2011. It was tough going initially as she had difficulty getting the right materials and tools. But with the encouragement of her husband, she began to sell until a debilitating back problem made her change direction to teaching online.
In this video, you can see Lan Anh and a wonderful array of her work. You can also follow her on Instagram as well as her Youtube channel.
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
wow! I recall seeing the "porch swing" looking piece before,and all of her pieces are so unique, and beautiful on the back as well as the front.