Letter writing using wire is tricky. I know because I've tried. But it's not impossible with practice and with a few key tips. Firstly, don't use soft tempered wire. It should be at least half hard to help it retain its shape after forming. Another way to make things easier is to use thick wire.
Hong Kong based crafter, ToDorDor Workshop, likes sharing cooking and craft tutorials. She has an awesome series of letter writing tutorials - the entire alphabet - for making initial bookmarks. Note how clever she is to keep visible the letter itself when applied to the page.
She uses 14 G wire (2.5 mm) but 16 G or 18 G will work too especially if you do not want something so thick. If so, don't forget to work harden the letter with a nylon hammer after you are done. Thicker wire looks better in my opinion.
She does make it look easy! Draw and use a template to help you make the turns in the right places. You can vary the letter formation if you like. Find a large bottle cap or something similar to help make the round part. Working from the spool as she does reduces wire waste as it's hard to figure out how much wire you need for each letter.
Consider adapting the letters to become pendants or statement earrings.
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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
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