Know a book lover or teacher?  UK based Cory Stade of Coryographies has just got the gift ideas for you. She makes miniature stacks of polymer clay books as jewelry.  These remind me of stacks of books on my bedside table waiting to be read!

They are delightfully made in different colors with hints of pages and some details on the spines!

Cory is a Canadian expat living in Southampton with her English husband. Books definitely make her happy along with sushi, tea, paleolithic archaeology (she has a PhD in archaeology) and linguistics!

She explains :
In hindsight, an Etsy shop full of miniature clay figurines makes a lot of sense in my life... When I was a child, I used to mold the clay from the bank behind my house into tiny mouse shapes and dry them on the woodburner. I also have memories of molding animal shapes out of starburst candies before eating them. And then, looking up from my monitor reveals blue tac molded into the shape of a cat... 

 I've always needed a creative outlet, and Etsy satisfies that need in me to create tiny clay things.

How a Hand Printed and Bound Book is Made
Ever seen how a hand printed and hand bound book is made?  Check out the Victoria and Albert Museum's video on the beatuifully crafted process . This is an example of octavo size where 8 pages are printed to each sheet of paper. The general printing and binding process was more or less in use for hundreds of years. 

If you've ever wondered why there are raised lines in a spine of a leather covered book, you'll wonder no more!

Before You Go:


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM