Cheryl Frances of FrancesFolkArt is a mixed media designer who works primarily with upcycled vintage book covers. She lives in Oregon and says she finds it "hard to juggle all the fun, creative things calling my attention!"

But she does manage to find some time to make her unique mixed media designs. I discovered her work because she uses my laser cut wood blanks (see beadinggem on Etsy) as her foundations for her jewelry pieces.

She not only applies these recycled designs on the front of the wood but also includes text from these old but unwanted books for the pendant backs.  The bird pendant below has a dictionary definition on the back. Neat!

Cheryl also creates delightful ornaments. The bird house and the row house ornaments are my favorites. 

Cheryl also has rather neat packaging for her designs which surely must appeal to librarians,  teachers and book lovers alike. 

She also made a number of miniatures all set in a vintage drawer cabinet which she calls the Museum of Tiny Things (MOTT). She offers memberships to this museum in her shop which includes a swag package consisting of a canvas pouch with the MOTT logo, a MOTT button, hand stamped postcard and a ticket to visit should you be in Port Orford, Oregon!

Before You Go:

jewelry making supplies


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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM