J.K. Dreamer (a pseudonym) is the Utah based artist behind camphollow. He once dreamed of a career in 3D animation. But life and a growing family intruded into his initial art training. He switched to finance training and landed a corporate job.

But that did not fulfill his artistic ambitions so he took a difficult plunge and launched his collection of handmade ceramic/porcelain figurines.  

His creations are whimsical and show his love for nature.  His collection includes tiny pendants and figurines of animals.  Shown here are my favorites including the adorable narwhal one.   JK has a delightful sense of humor as there is a flying pig and a frog prince among his many pendant designs.  

Another stand out collection is his birthday cake decor.  The dinosaur one made me smile.  A perfect design for the young....and old!

Fun Fact 

Narwhals are peculiar Arctic whales with a usually single spiral tusk - actually a canine tooth. The consensus today is that the tusk is a mainly male trait like a stag's antlers or a lion's mane. 

Viking traders used to collect washed up tusks along northern shorelines and sold them to gullible Europeans as unicorn horns. In the Middle Ages, the unicorn was associated with the Church and was thus regarded as a holy "animal" despite it being a mythical creature. 

Paranoid monarchs centuries ago feared being poisoned. They willingly paid vast sums of money to acquire narwhal tusks as poison antidotes! Queen Elizabeth I was a believer who thought placing  a poisoned drink from a "unicorn" horn would make it explode!

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Original Post by THE BEADING GEM